Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML)
All women of Mount Olive are invited! Our local group meets twice per month for Bible Study (currently through Zoom), and is active in our regional (zone) LWML, as well as the Iowa LWML and the National LWML.
We collect mites for missions. Pick up a collection box in the gathering area! We also have the mission goals posted there so you can see where the money is going. You can also give online, on the LWML website.
Check our our upcoming events, listed in the News, and in the Calendar sections of our website.
Here's a very short, fun video from YouTube and yet another short, fun video from YouTube, to get you excited about serving the Lord with gladness through the LWML. And visit the website, linked above.
Mount Olive Lutheran Church and School Libraries
Right in our own church library and our school library at Mount Olive you will find a wealth of materials for your spiritual growth.
- Website:
- Check out our library collections. No password is needed. (Going to the web site will also help you find the location of books.)
- Borrow books from the Church Library by signing the library cards and putting them in the checkout card box.
- Mount Olive School students check out books online during school.
Our library has many helpful resources for your Christian growth. Browse the titles and check out a book today. Search our online catalog (church and school titles) any time day or night. No password is required.
There are devotionals, special study Bibles, topical studies such as raising Christian children, strengthening relationships, coping with grief and loss, and many others, as well as many Christian novels.
Check our our synodical publisher, Concordia Publishing House, for a vast array of Christian books and resources of all types.
In our sanctuary, at the table by the entry, you will find free copies of the current issue of Portals of Prayer. This daily devotional will give you a renewed sense of God's love for you in Jesus Christ.
Do you need a copy of the scriptures? We have slimline New Testaments. You can have one, free of charge. Just fill out the "contact us" form, and let us know you would like one.
Please use our libraries. They are here for you!
Looking for an online source of daily devotions and Bible studies?
We've listed a few great sites below. Regardless of your age, gender, or where you are in life, you'll find the refreshment of God's word of love and hope here. These organizations are dedicated to reaching people everywhere with the precious news that Christ is their savior.
Advent Devotions on 7 Old Testament Names of Jesus (recommended by Pastor Kleckner)
Bible Reading & Bible Studies
There are many good options for reading the Bible online. Some are listed below.
- Bible Gateway - a free, searchable Bible online, with dozens of translations and languages.
- YouVersion is a free, searchable Bible application for your smartphone
- Want to read the Scripture lessons for this week, or next week? The LCMS website has a great page for this.
Every week, there are many opportunities at Mount Olive to meet in small groups to study God's word and grow together.
- Sunday school is during the 11 AM Worship Service on Sundays.
- Adult Bible Class is currently watching the video series "The Chosen" about the life of Jesus and the start of the Christian church, on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45 in Mrs. Speltz's room.
- Other Bible studies are listed in the Olive Branch Newsletter each week, including the organizer and contact information. Don't be shy: join one today.
Serving God and Others
Are you fueled up and ready for service? Check out the ACTION teams (on our main page, see the link under "About Mount Olive"). New members are always welcome on the teams. We would love to involve you. Feel free to use the "contact" form to let us know - or mention it to any member at church and they will connect you.
Our regional and national organizations are another great resource for information about our beliefs and practices, as well as devotions, Bible studies, news about our church body, ministry news and opportunities for service.
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Be refreshed in the Lord with this excerpt from Portals of Prayer. God bless you in Christ.
"Give me this water, so that I will not be thirsty." John 4:15
There is a thirst in all of us to be loved and cared for. A Samaritan woman wanted men to quench this thirst. The results were disappointing: Five failed marriages and an uncommitted live-in boyfriend. She likely came to the well (where she met Jesus) to draw her water in the heat of the day to avoid the scorn of others.
Like the Samaritan woman, we thirst and work so hard for attention and love that can only be found in God. Jesus says that His love is freely given, without an ounce of human labor involved. He did all the hard work for us in His perfectly obedient life, death, and resurrection. As we abide in Jesus, the Father's love on Him is now on us. The Holy Spirit impresses us with the certainty of God's favor and love. With our thirst quenched, our worship arises wherever we are!
Are you disappointed and tired of laboring for love that is conditional and finite? Be refreshed. The triune Lord has done everything for you so that you can know His love. It is His love that truly quenches the thirsty soul.
"With heav'nly bread He makes the hungry whole.
Gives living waters to the thirsting soul"
(Lutheran Service Book 637 verse 2)
This website will connect you to Lutheran Public Radio, a source of Christian Lutheran (LCMS) podcasts, syndicated radio talk shows, expert guests, and expansive topics, all while extolling Christ. You can listen online directly from the website, download programs, connect through iTues, Google, Spotify and many other platforms.